In November last year, I (Jonathan) heard the phrase from John 12:24, “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” I felt like He was saying a very real death was coming for our ministry but it was His doing so that the fire of 24/7 prayer would spread to the nations of the earth. I didn’t like the word, but I kept it on my heart while not knowing what it fully meant.
Last Monday, we found out that all ministry expressions of IHOPKC will be winding down over the next few months. However, the 24/7 prayer room and the web stream will continue live on Youtube. We are so saddened saying goodbye to close friends. At the same time, we feel excitement for what will happen and what these “many seeds” will grow into over the next few years.
Eventually in Kansas City, I imagine some of the same ministry expressions will relaunch. But for now, we are focusing on putting all of our energy into sustaining 24/7 prayer with worship. As time goes on, we are seeking to build structures providing even greater accountability to the prayer room to help us walk as a more healthy and vibrant community.
What Does This Mean for the Baldwins?
On a positive note, our roles are not changing since we work in the prayer room. Since the prayer room is going to continue through the transition our roles will not be affected. I will continue pastoring and shepherding the singers and musicians in the morning section and leading worship when needed (which has been a lot more lately). Theresa will continue in her role prayer leading and serving in the afternoons. We are determined to continue sowing into the next generation of intercessors, singers, and musicians, and are working on how to continue raising up the next generation of children.